When to Get a Heart Health Check-Up: Signs and Tests

Jan 21 / 2025 | Heart Health
Heart Health Check-Up

How do you know your heart is in good condition? When is it time to schedule a cardiology consultation and have a heart health check-up? Heart health check-ups consist of several different types of cardiac diagnostics. These tests should be taken at different times to monitor the condition of your cardiovascular system. 

Different Types of Heart Tests

Generally speaking, there are two basic types of heart tests. First, there are regular screenings that everyone should take on a routine basis. Then there are specialized tests which healthcare practitioners will order when they detect signs of heart disease.

Routine Heart Screening Tests

The American Heart Association recommends that all people take a range of routine cardiac health screenings, even if they are healthy and have not had any reason to suspect they have heart problems. These include:

  • Blood pressure and cholesterol screenings for anyone over the age of 20
  • Blood glucose tests for people between the ages of 40 and 45
  • Body mass index (BMI) measurements.
  • C-reactive protein tests for people who have an increased risk of heart attack due to hereditary or lifestyle factors.

If you have a history of heart disease in your family or there is any other reason for your doctor to believe you may be at an increased risk of heart problems, you may have to start these tests at a younger age than is generally recommended.

Additional Heart Tests

If your doctor suspects that you may be at risk of heart disease, they will probably refer you for one or more of the following:

  • Electrocardiograms – These tests use electrodes applied to your chest to monitor your cardiac activity.
  • Exercise cardiac stress test – This is similar to electrocardiograms, except you take the test while undergoing varying levels of cardiovascular exercise.
  • Echocardiograms: These tests use ultrasound images to view the movements of your heart and detect any problems.
  • Nuclear stress test: Pictures are taken of your heart after a radioactive dye is injected into your bloodstream, to see how blood flows to and from your heart.
  • Cardiac CT scan: Healthcare professionals use this technology to detect any plaque buildup in your arteries.
  • Coronary CT angiography (CTA): CTAs are similar to cardiac CT scans in terms of method and objectives. They are both intended to detect plaque build-ups, but angiography uses contrast dye to highlight vascular obstructions.

When to Get a Heart Check-Up

According to the AHA guidelines, you should schedule heart health screenings as follows:

  • Check your weight and BMI every year during your general health check-up
  • Have your blood pressure tested every two years, starting from the age of 20
  • Blood cholesterol tests should be done at least every four to six years
  • Test your blood glucose levels at least every three years from the age of 40 

WELL Health Diagnostic Centres are equipped to provide all types of cardiac tests and monitoring. If you need to assess the condition of your heart and vascular system, and have a referral from your healthcare practitioner, contact us to make an appointment at one of our diagnostic centres near you.